
Turn Interested Leads Into WINNING DEALS with These Unique Follow up Ideas [60+ Email Sequence Combinations]

Email Sequences to Turn Interested Leads into Winning Deals

Following up with leads after they express interest is a huge challenge for several salespeople. Hence, we standardized our email follow-ups, Linkedin messages, calendar invites that you can use to quickly convert INTERESTED LEADS INTO WINNING DEALS. This has been created by Bharadwaj Giridhar, founder and CEO of Inboxpirates Consulting over the last 2 years.

Who is this blog post for?

SDRs, AEs, Sales Leaders, and CXOs of any B2B organization

Legal Disclosure

Read the end of the page for the full disclosure, but tl;dr: 
As long as you aren’t claiming this is yours, or 
running ads to sell this free resource – you should be good. 

Before You Start

KPIs = Key Performance Indicators.
For a product like Analytics, it could help you analyze CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization).
Good Cop / Bad Cop Strategy
This strategy involves a persistent SDR and an account executive working together. 
If you’re working solo, create an alias like “Tyler Durden.”
Know your Customer’s Goals
What’s the primary goal of using your product or service? List it down.
If you sell an email tool, it’s to generate leads and reach more customers.
If you sell a lead generation service, it’s to generate leads, duh.
But make sure you are including numbers.
10X higher leads, 20% higher email opens.
Note down your customer’s challenges: 
List down every challenge faced by your customer that your product or service solves. 
Have different definitions of what your product or service does: 
People describe and associate brands in a very different way. 
Make sure you’re using a past customer’s words to describe what you do. 
Needs to be a short one-liner, even if it’s a gross simplification. 

Email Sequence For B2B Website Visitors

You can use tools like Factors AI, Albacross, and Warmly AI to analyze who’s visiting your website and follow up with them using email. 
Email 1:
Subject: Intro: {{sender’s firstName}} / {{receiver’s FirstName}} ({{your company name}} – {{your product 2-word description}})
Hey {{firstName}}, I noticed someone from {{companyName}} was interested in our {{product 2-word description}}.
Could I assist you with more information so you can make a swift decision?
{{sender’s fullName}}
Account Executive
LinkedIn Message 1: (2 days later)
{{firstName}} – I sent you an email about your team’s interest in working with us, thought I’d connect with you here to make it easier for you to ask any questions you may have.
Email 2: (2 days after Email 1, 1 day after LinkedIn message)
Hi {{firstName}}, should we hop on a quick call instead if you’re still interested in learning more about our services?
Talk soon!
{{sender’s fullName}}
Account Executive
Email 3: Competitor Info (2 days later – new email)
Subject: {{competitor}}’s LinkedIn
{{firstName}} – I just saw this post from {{competitor}} and I thought of you!
{{why that works/doesn’t work}}
We do this regularly to generate awareness about {{company}}.
Can we hop on a quick call in case you have any doubts about taking this forward?
Email 4: reply to email 3 after 4 working days
{{firstName}} – shall I circle back after a couple of weeks?
{{sender’s fullName}}
We recommend at least having a gap of 2-3 days before bombarding them with follow-ups. 

Email Sequence For Inbound Leads On Linkedin

Context: Use this Linkedin + Email Sequence when they come inbound through a message.

Hey {{firstName}}, thanks a lot for reaching out.

{{company}} is focused on {{solving}} {{mission}} for {{Y}} Companies.

We primarily achieve this through our {{Value prop}}.

Our focus is on:



{{Intangible Benefit 1}}

Could we schedule some time to discuss this week?

Follow up 1:

Hey {{firstName}}, I thought I’ll give you a bit more information about our process & results:

We recently helped an {{customer}} with {{KPI}} in {{timeframe}} with {{value prop}}.

We did this by,


And boom, it worked.

Could we help do the same for {{companyName}}?

Follow up 2: After 1 day

{{firstName}} – if you have any doubts or question, I’m just a ping away – let me know!

Follow up 3: After 2 days 

Hey {{firstName}}, shall I also add {{stakeholder}} to an email thread detailing about a potential collaboration?

Follow up 4: After 4 days 

{{comment on linkedin post}} / {{Message about an insight on their recent company page update}}

Follow up 5: Email + Cold call. 

{{cold-call}} Tell them you were not sure if they were checking linkedin anymore and send them an email instead. 

Follow up 6: After 1 day

Funny gif crying for attention

Follow up 7: After 2 days 

{{name}}, is this no longer a priority?

I have something to ask


I’m more than HAPPY to give all of this away, but a small ask (free): 

1. Earn $500 if we close a client through you. 

We help Seed to IPO stage companies with Organic Demand Generation on Linkedin (which is probably how you’ve found us). 

If you know a company in the US that needs our help, and we close them – you get $500 affiliate revenue right away. 

2. Can you please take a short 20-second survey? 

We’re validating a product idea, and since you are in sales, I’d love for you to answer these 10 questions (takes 20 seconds max) 


3. Don’t steal this.

Feel free to use it wherever you want, but don’t download it and run ads on top of it. 

Repost if you found it useful. 

Email + Linkedin Cadence When A Potential Lead Looks at Your Profile

Message 1: 

Hey {{firstName}}, glad to connect – I’m curious what made you look at my profile! 

Follow up 1 (3 Days Later): 

Just checked out {{website}}, seems {{cool / point out a mistake or a suggestion}} 

Follow up 2 / Email: 

Subject: I made this for you

Body: A personalized suggestion on their product funnel or any KPI they’d be interested in, considering their job title. 

Example: We do Linkedin Services, we send a profile cover. 

Follow up 3 / Linkedin:

We recently worked with {{client}} who is similar to {{their-company}} in {{Y}}. 

We got them {{x}} and they’re super happy with us [Link to G2 review] 

Do you think we could do something similar with {{their-company}}?

Cold Email Positive Reply Subsequence (12 Steps – Email + Linkedin + Loom) 

Email Reply:

Hey {{firstName}}, thanks for expressing interest in learning more about us. 

I’ve tagged my account manager to take this forward. 




Step: Create a relevant case study.  

Create a new email with the subject line –

Subject: Your Solution to {{Problem}} is here. 


Hi {{firstName}}, my colleague {{cold-email-sender}} reached out to you a while back to improve {{companyName}}’s {{KPI}}. 

We’ve taken some time to ponder upon the best strategies you can use to improve your {{KPI}} with

  • {{feature1}}
  • {{feature2}}
  • {{feature3}}

I’m attaching a PDF, with these particulars:

  • A Cheat Sheet to Improve {{KPI}}
  • About Us
  • A relevant case study

However, I have a strong feeling that we’d need a call to take this forward. 

I’d love to hop on a call with you to discuss your challenges around {{problem}}.

Would any of these times work for you? 

  • Thursday, 4 Feb, 2024 – 9 AM to 12 PM Eastern Time Zone
  • Friday, 4 Feb, 2024 – 9 AM to 12 PM Eastern Time Zone
  • Saturday, 4 Feb, 2024 – 9 AM to 12 PM Eastern Time Zone

Looking forward to talking to you, and I hope you appreciate our recommendations. 




Another Cadence to use when someone positively replies to your cold Email:   

New thread: 

Subject: {{companyName}}’s {{problem}} Strategy with {{CompanyName}}


Hi {{firstName}}, hope you’re well. Following up on my colleague {{cold-email-sender}}’s previous communication,

I’m reaching out to ensure you have all the necessary information to explore how {{sender-company}} can amplify {{KPI}} for {{company}}.

Personalized Insights:

To start, I’ve prepared a detailed PDF offering tailored insights &

actionable recommendations for enhancement of {{company}}. 

Please find the documents attached for your review:

<Name the PDF’s.> 

​​Scheduling a Consultation:

I’d like to discuss these suggestions and how we can collaborate to strengthen your {{KPI}} 

I also feel the due diligence we’ve put on the deck requires a call to explain in detail. 

Please let me know which of the following times suits you best for a virtual meeting:

Monday, 26th February: 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM Eastern Time

Tuesday, 27th February: 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM Eastern Time

Wednesday, 28th February: 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM Eastern Time

We can tentatively hold a slot and adjust as necessary to accommodate your schedule. 

A meeting reminder will be sent in advance.

Further Insights:

For additional context on our approach and success stories, I’m including overviews of our services and case studies:

  1. About Our Firm (check attachment: about-{{your-company-name}}.pdf)
  2. Clientele on Organic Linkedin (check attachment: {{your-company-name-clientele}}.pdf)

Expect a follow-up with specific case studies and content strategies tailored to {{company}} needs.

Thank you for considering this opportunity to elevate {{company}}’s {{KPI}}.

I look forward to your feedback and the chance to discuss our potential collaboration.

Next Step: Add them to your LinkedIn and send the following connection message: 

Hey {{name}}, we just connected over email about {{companyName}}’s {{KPI}}. Would love to connect with you and learn more about your {{topic}} capabilities!


Next Step: After 1 day, visit their profile and comment on their post if recent, like if it’s old. 


Next Step: 2 days later: Reply to the same email 


Hey {{firstName}}, did you get a chance to look at going through our email? 

Please let me know if you have any questions about our insights.

I hope to hear from you to chat about what we could do for you. 

Next Step: 2 days later: Competitor Inspiration.


New email: Subject: {{competitor}} 


Hi {{name}}, I got inspired by {{competitor}} to do {{X}} 

Do you think you’d be interested in recreating this for {{company}}? 


Next Step: LinkedIn message if the connection is accepted 


Hi {{name}}, my colleague briefly connected with you via email and we sent an email to reach you. 

I’m attaching it here because we’re not sure if it reached you. 

I’d love to set up some time to walk through our strategies and see if it’s fit to strike a partnership with {{companyName}}.


Step 11: 2 days later: Loom or phone call or SMS

Have their website as background and talk about a recent case study. 

Step 12: 2 days later: Breakup 

Hi, I’m not sure if this improving {{KPI}} is a priority for {{company}} anymore. 

Should I follow up after a couple of months?

Email Sequence When Someone Books A Call On Calendly / Cal.com 

Email 1: 


Subject: Congratulations {{First Name}} 


You did it, you took the first step on {{solving problem X}}. 

Now let’s do the hard part- 

Did you know that {{customer1}} got {{resultX}}? [Case Study] 

Also, before our call on {{DD-MMM HH: AA}} (Always use 26-Feb 12 AM format, don’t use DD / MM, why would you confuse someone), I’d love to learn a few things about {{company}}:   

{{qualifiying questions}} 


Follow-up 1: (3 days before call) 


Email: New Thread 

Subject: How {{customer1}} got {{result-X}}


{{customer1}} does {{X}}, which is similar to {{prospect’s company}} in {{Y}} 

They recently hit {{KPI}} with us by doing {{Z}} 

I’ve attached a link of the strategy, let me know if you find it insightful 🙂 

P.S: Hope you’re hyped for the call on {{day-of-the–week}} 


Follow-up 2: (1 day before call, preferably 5 to 7 PM) 

Subject: Our Call 

(Send from another sales rep’s account)



Hey {{name}}, I’m super excited for the call tomorrow. 

I hope you have {{requirements}} ready for the call. 

I’m attaching some details about our recent wins,

in case you’d like to go through them before the call. 

P.S: Let me know if I should invite {{stakeholder}} 

Follow up 4: (5 minutes before the call) Check the SMS reminder at the end of the page.

Email Cadence When Some Positively Responds To Your Cold Email Asking For A Meeting Directly 

Email Reply:

Hey {{firstName}} – thanks for expressing interesting in solving {{problem}}

I’d love to hop on a call with you to discuss your challenges around {{problem}}

Would any of these times work for you?

Thursday, 4 Feb, 2024 – 9 AM to 12 PM Eastern Time Zone
Friday, 4 Feb, 2024 – 9 AM to 12 PM Eastern Time Zone
Saturday, 4 Feb, 2024 – 9 AM to 12 PM Eastern Time Zone

Looking forward to talking to you, and I hope to hear from you soon.

(Accept the calendar invite right away)


Follow up 1: 2 days later

Hey {{firstName}} thanks a lot for confirming the time with us.

I’ve decided to attach some of our recent case studies that you might be interested in.

Let me know if you’d like to know anything else before the call.


Follow up 2: 2 days before call


That’s right – {{KPI}} in {{timeframe}} with {{customer}}

They used {{sender-company}} to achieve this.

I’m attaching our recent guide on optimizing {{goal}}.

Let me know if you find it useful {{name}}!

P.S: I’m very excited to meet with you on {{date}}

Email Sequence When Someone Cancels The Meeting (or Doesn’t Show Up) and Starts Ghosting

Create a new email thread with the following content: 


Subject: Reschedule?

Variant 2: Subject: Busy?


Hi {{name}}, I noticed we had a call scheduled for {{challenge}} at {{company}}. 

However, I noticed you {{cancelled the meeting | didn’t show up}}. 

Can we please reschedule to sometime next week? 

After 3 days: 

Subject: Did I do something wrong? 


Hi {{name}}, I noticed you had a call scheduled with us for {{goal}}. 

Suddenly, it fell off- this makes me wonder if I did anything wrong. 

At {{your-company-name}}, we love happy customers. 

So please let me know if I can change ANYTHING to make this happen.

Email To Send After Initial Discovery Call [Template]

Subject: {{their-company-name}} & {{your-company-name}}


Hi {{name}},

It was an absolute delight talking with you today.

I want to summarize how we can be your secret sauce for growth:

{{value prop 1}}
{{value prop 2}}
{{value prop 3}}

To make things even more accessible for you, here are some quick links:

{{relevant case study}}
{{G2 Testimonials}}
{{Customer References}}

Next Steps:

{{action step 1}}
{{action step 2}}

If you’ve got any questions or need more details, feel free to reach out.

I am here to help!

Email Template For Prospects Who Ghost After A Successful Discovery Call

Subject: {{goal}}

Hi {{name}}, hope you have been well.

Thanks a lot for learning about us,

Based on {{repeat-what-they-said-in-meeting-1}}, I believe {{product}} can help you achieve {{goal}}

I’ve attached a deck on storydoc, our favorite testimonials and case studies to enable you to make the right decision fast!


Email Template If Someone Explores Website or Looks at Proposal After a Huge Gap 

Reply to old thread:

Hi {{name}}, hope you have been well.

Well, not to be creepy, but I noticed that you were reviewing the {{deck|email}} I shared with you on {{challenge}} 🙂

Let me know if you need my assistance to align your 2024 growth goals.

Google Calendar Templates For Sales Calls [Discovery + Follow-Up]

First Call

Heading: {{Elevating or Improving or Boosting}} {{companyName}}’s {{Goal}}


We are excited to offer you the opportunity to explore how {{sender-company}} can revolutionize your {{KPI}}. Our expertise in {{your expertise}} strategies has consistently delivered outstanding results for our clients.

What to Expect:

During our discovery call, we will:

Understand your current challenges around {{goals}}.
Provide an overview of our tailored strategies for {{KPIs}}.
Discuss how our {{services/ product}} can align with your specific needs.
Answer any questions you might have about our process and results.

We’re looking forward to boosting your {{KPI}}!

Second call

Calendar invite: Expanding {{company}} {{goal}}


We are excited to improve your {{goal}}.

Continuing on our last call, we’ll focus on:

Strategy Breakdown
Our Process
Pricing Details
Next Steps


WhatsApp & SMS Reminder Templates for Sales Calls

Sending SMS and Whatsapp Reminders decreases no-show rates by 8X!  

3 Hours Before

Hi {{firstName}}, I’m reaching out to confirm our call to discuss {{companyName’s}} {{offering}} in the next 3 hours.

Does the time work well for you today?

-{{your initials}}

15 minutes before:

{{firstName}}, Just dropping the link for our upcoming call, so we don’t have any last-minute hiccups, excited to meet you!

<<meeting link>>

Copy This To Google Docs

Copy this document onto Google Docs, and edit out the fields. 

Here’s the link to duplicate this – https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTFUmBauRd5ASa0PU6Y3ChI7W3bMdp3vR4e8SuA3ACVEzraRCLB0BrQCCBRI_geZXgXplmrKq3wJrwK/pub

Alternatively, you can paste this on chat GPT and ask it to replace the information by seeding it with your product or service information.

P.S: Please complete the survey [20 seconds] if you can, refer us and don’t repost the resource without proper attribution.  

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This document is provided by inboxpiratesconsulting.com for use exclusively by the intended recipient(s) for internal purposes and direct communication with clients. It remains the proprietary information of inboxpiratesconsulting.com.

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This document is intended for internal use and direct communication with clients only (it’s okay if you’re an agency & want to apply it to your clients).
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Note for agencies: We’ll have zero tolerance if you mask this as your material in front of your clients, or run ads and resell this for commercial use.

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