
10 Enterprise Meetings Including Bloomberg for Early Stage Security Company Anzenna


Enterprise Meetings booked


CISOs connected


Email Oureach


B2B SaaS, Security

Company size



Anzenna AI is a Human Risk Security Platform for midmarket and enterprises. They deep dive into visibility and user security posture management with security training and remediation. They also have a training product.

Challenges for Anzenna

5 crucial challenges we faced:

01. Longer Contract Periods With Existing Security Vendors

Most security contracts are yearly, and many of the companies had 3-year or 5-year contracts since it was cost-effective during their signup.

02. Legacy human-touch point security vendors

Many companies in the Midmarket stage already had contracts with existing security vendors for basic human risk training. They were locked into a security contract with a vendor during their ISO 27001 or SOC II certification.

03. Lack of awareness of security

For some industries, our messaging had to involve several reports on why investing in security at this stage of the company was important.

04. Spending behaviour around Security During a Recession

According to an IMB report, the cost of a data breach is at an all-time high at USD 4.45 million, a 15% increase over the past three years – however, more than half of breached organizations are unwilling to Increase Security Spend Despite Soaring Breach Costs.


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Our Process

Generating the Best Leads

Branding on Linkedin

We revamped the founder’s profile and landing page to educate the audience on the importance of switching to a new-age tool.

Building an omnichannel approach

We combined the power of cold email outreach with LinkedIn content and LinkedIn outreach to boost a mix of inbound and outbound leads.

We consistently posted short-form content from security podcasts where the founder had appeared.

Finding the ICP

We identified the top job titles based on competitor analysis of popular security tools and what tools they currently use.

In our market survey, we found out that,

We identified the industries we wanted to go after:

Challenges we faced

Most CISOs were not ready to discuss their security solutions with other companies without hesitation.

Prospects thought we were yet another security vendor and undermined the role of how ease of use can improve security training.

CISOs hesitant, prospects skeptical



Meetings Booked from Outreach


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